Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación

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This page presents open channels for the involvement in processes of political advocacy, and the strengthening of civil society, in order to make sure that the right to a proper education for all will be accomplished. We invite you to join the Campaign for the Ratification of the Optional Protocol to PIDESC; to answer our survey regarding gender and education, and to leave your testimonies and proposals for Youth and Adults Education on the blog Ampliando Voces.


CLADE forms part in the fight to encourage Latin-American and Caribbean countries to sign and ratify the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Adopted by the UN on December 10th, 2008, the Protocol will provide the victims of violations of human rights a forum where to claim for redress. The Optional Protocol will only enter into force after 10 States have ratified it. Up to the present time, only three have done this, including Ecuador. Take action here!

On this page are several resources that are intended to draw attention to the inequalities between men and women that continue to exist in educational programs, resulting in different forms of discrimination. They are an alert to the important role education must play in the transformation of this reality. Take our survey and help us so that we know how to improve girls and women education in Latin America and the Caribbean. Take action here!

The construction and the monitoring of educational policies must take into account the opinions of those who are entitled to the right to education. In this blog, CLADE invites people who did not have a chance to study or to finish their studies until adult age to tell their stories and leave recommendations to States. Besides increasing perspectives, the recommendations in the web page will serve as an input for a document of proposals that will be used by the Campaign in their advocacy actions. Take action here!

bannerCLADEHaitiThis is the website of “Haiti is all of us” campaign. This initiative is aimed at increasing visibility of issues that affect Haitians in their everyday life, especially focusing on advocacy strategies for free, public, quality education for all, with no discrimination. We understand that Haiti problems matter to everyone. In that sense, it is urgent to foster international solidarity actions focused on human rights, respecting Haitian people’s autonomy. This is the moment to take a new look at the education system reconstruction plans and, mostly, to fight to reverse tendencies toward privatisation of education in that country. Take action here!