CLADE, with allied national forums and regional networks, is involved in different actions that are centred in social mobilisation in order to demand the guarantee of rights. These activities are aimed at making civil society’s demands visible and include the Global Action Week and several campaigns coordinated at the national and regional levels by our partners.
Every year, the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) coordinates the Global Action Week (GAW), an international mobilisation of the civil society in more than 100 countries. GAW takes place in the anniversary of the International Forum of Education (held in Dakar in the year 2000), in which the Education for All goals were established.
The GCE is a movement that claims education as a human right, exerting pressure upon the government and international community so that immediate measures to ensure the right to education are taken. Since its creation, in 1999, more than 18 million people and thousands of organizations in more than 100 countries coalesced to form part of the CME.