Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación

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Our blogs


Amplifying voices
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The construction and the monitoring of educational policies must take into account the opinions of those who are entitled to the right to education. In this blog, CLADE invites people who did not have a chance to study or to finish their studies until adult age to tell their stories and leave recommendations to States. Besides increasing perspectives, the recommendations in the web page will serve as an input for a document of proposals that will be used by the Campaign in their advocacy actions.

2011 GAW: Gender and education in Latin America and the Caribbean
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On this page are several resources that are intended to draw attention to the inequalities between men and women that continue to exist in educational programs, resulting in different forms of discrimination. They are an alert to the important role education must play in the transformation of this reality. Take our survey and help us so that we know how to improve girls and women education in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Education is a Right: no to discrimination in Latin America and the Caribbean
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CLADE adopts different strategies to give visibility to inequality, discrimination, racism and sexism inside and outside education systems. On this page, you will find out everything about our strategies to confront and overcome those violations.

The right to education in early childhood
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CLADE defined the right to education in early childhood as one of its key areas of advocacy and action after perceiving that children from 0-8 are not recognised as entitled to the right to education on many discourses on early childhood. On this page, we share our proposals and invite you to take action.

Financing the right to education
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CLADE advocates for the generation of concrete changes in public policies of educational financing: we want to transform allocation policies, as well as other mechanisms related to financing the right to education. Particularly, we demand the creation of proper financial conditions to address the accomplishment of the right. Find out more on our blog.


CLADE around the world
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The page displays all the articulated activities of mobilisation and political advocacy in which CLADE takes part at regional and global levels. In all these spaces, the Campaign works to strengthen participatory democracy and so that civil society can effectively contribute to decision-making processes on educational policies, from a human rights point of view.

Latin America and the Caribbean at the Global Campaign: Debating the right to education
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Page intended to share reports, news, relevant information and debates regarding different processes that are being carried out around the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), from the perspective of its members in Latin-America and the Caribbean. Its main goal is to promote a collective and transparent decision-making process, not only by making visible the current debates, but also by our invitation to contribute and strengthen international movement for the right to education.

Campaign for the ratification of the Optional Protocol to PIDESC
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CLADE forms part in the fight to encourage Latin-American and Caribbean countries to sign and ratify the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Adopted by the UN on December 10th, 2008, the Protocol will provide the victims of violations of human rights a forum where to claim for redress. The Optional Protocol will only enter into force after 10 States have ratified it. Up to the present time, only three have done this, including Ecuador.

FISC Buenos Aires
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This page was created to cover the civil society activities related to the Buenos Aires International Civil Society Forum and the Ibero-American Congress on Education (Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 12-15, 2010).

FISC – International Civil Society Forum
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The page displays the coverage of FISC and Confintea VI from the civil society's point of view. The International Civil Society Forum (FISC, for its Portuguese acronym) was an international event on Youth and Adult Education, held in Belém, Brazil, between November 28th and 30th, 2009. It was a plural space for reflection and formulation of proposals to promote the exchange of experiences and organize the process of incidence in the VI International Conference on Adult Education (Confintea VI, also in Belém, from 1st-4th December, 2009). Reunited in FISC, civil society organisations developed a strong united position reflecting the views of over 500 people from 80 countries.

CLADE at Durban
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News, photos, testimonies, reflections and materials on Durban Review Conference (Geneva, Switzerland, April 20-24, 2009).

CLADE at Confintea
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This blog was an space to exchange experiences related to the activities preparing the 6th International Conference on Adult Education, held by UNESCO (Belém, Brazil, December 1-4, 2009).

bannerHaitiseminario185x185Haiti is all of us” campaign!
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This is the website of “Haiti is all of us” campaign. This initiative is aimed at increasing visibility of issues that affect Haitians in their everyday life, especially focusing on advocacy strategies for free, public, quality education for all, with no discrimination. We understand that Haiti problems matter to everyone. In that sense, it is urgent to foster international solidarity actions focused on human rights, respecting Haitian people’s autonomy. This is the moment to take a new look at the education system reconstruction plans and, mostly, to fight to reverse tendencies toward privatisation of education in that country.


Education is a right: No to discrimination in education in Latin America and Caribbean
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On this blog, follow the coverage of CLADE's 6th Assembly (São Paulo, Brazil, May 3-5, 2010)

Financing early childhood education from a human rights point of view
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Follow the coverage of the 2nd seminar from "The right to education in early childhood" series, held by CLADE (Bogotá, Colombia, November 22, 2010).

The right to education in early childhood
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Follow the coverage of the 1st seminar from "The right to education in early childhood" series, held by CLADE (São Paulo, Brazil, March 22-23, 2010).

Financing the right to education in Latin America and Caribbean
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Follow the coverage of the international seminar "Financing the right to education in Latin America and Caribbean" (São Paulo, Brazil, March 18-20, 2010).

bannerAsembleia185x185Social struggles, human rights and education
From April 10th to 13th, 2012, CLADE carried on its 7th Assembly, under the slogan “Social struggles, human rights and education: Strengthening democracies and empowering citizens in Latin America and the Caribbean”. This page brings all the information about that meeting, aimed at debating the contexts of the Latin-American and Caribbean democracies and the role played by communication in the struggle to strengthen democracy and citizenship.