“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
GCE Statement on the death of Nelson Mandela
From: GCE
The GCE Board and Secretariat stand with the many, many campaigners who were motivated and strengthened by Nelson Mandela, and we deeply mourn his loss.
His courage, dignity and unwavering commitment to achieve a vision of a fairer and just society for every citizen of South Africa - and beyond - provided unrivalled inspiration to us all. GCE and its members had the privilege and honour to have his support for our work, particularly during the 2007 Global Action Week and during the 2010 1GOAL campaign, for which we remain extremely grateful. His belief in education as a powerful tool for change is one that all education campaigners share, and it is our duty to continue the important work of ensuring the right to education for everyone.
The loss of the towering Madiba is one felt by us all, and our thoughts and very best wishes are with the Mandela family at this time.