Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación

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Malala Day: GCE youth ambassadors at the UN

From: GCE

Millie-and-Sam-in-Parlt-54012 July marks 'Malala Day': celebrating the 16th birthday of the young education activist from Pakistan who was shot for her belief in girls' education, and demanding action now for the millions of children who remain out of school all around the world.

Youth representatives have travelled to New York to celebrate this day and to draw attention to the plight of the 126 million children who remain out of primary and lower secondary school - of which almost 50 million are living in conflict-affected countries.

Two young campaigners from GCE UK, Sam and Millie, have joined the delegation of young people taking over the UN for the day in the name of education. They are blogging about their experiences of meeting other young activists from around the world during their trip - you can read it at the GCE UK site here.

If you want to add your voice to those demanding world leaders take action now, please sign Malala's petition here.