ICAE invites to participate and advocate in the post-2015 process
International organizations, governments and society global and regional networks have initiated a post-2015 assessment and implication processes of the goals set out by two major global development programs: Education for All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This process takes on additional significance as is done in the context of the crisis that affects the economic system in large areas of the world and the exhaustion of a development model that does not generate social equality or global sustainability.
The recent summit of Rio +20 has documented with great objectivity the challenges that face political organizations and civil society organizations to address an unprecedented crisis of civilization, which in turn requires the establishment of the basis for a type of sustainable and fair human development. We know that the governments gathered in Rio de Janeiro, with some exceptions, have not been strong enough to address this necessary shift of paradigm. However, the power of civil society networks has allowed that the debate remains open and projects itself strongly in the discussions and deliberations beginning at global level about post-2015.
ICAE has been an important actor in encouraging and advocating civil society approaches in both the Rio +20 process and the preliminary discussions on post 2015. This work has been enhanced with its members and global networks of civil society. For this reason, ICAE has created this space for exchange, discussion and information, not only as a communication service to civil society but also as a place for promoting the contributions and participation of civil society organizations in the post 2015 process.
We also conceived this space as a bridge between the various regional and global citizen initiatives that are being implemented and the necessary and advocating dialogue between intergovernmental international organizations and multilateral agencies.
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