Online consultation on the Review of the Recommendation on the Development of Adult Education
To support the follow-up and monitoring at the International level of the Belém Framework for Action, UNESCO and its structures were requested by the 6th International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) “to review and update, by 2012, the Recommendation on the Development of Adult Education adopted in Nairobi (1976).” The 1976 Recommendation represents the key normative instrument on adult education, providing guiding principles and a global approach for promoting and developing adult education in UNESCO Member States. Conscious of the fact that to be successful this revision and update process requires support from key stakeholders and actors in adult learning and education world-wide, including representatives from governments, civil society, research institutions and national, regional and international networks, UIL is organizing an online consultation forum from 24 September to 5 October, 2012.
Through the consultation the review process would benefit from the expertise and experiences of a broader spectrum of individuals and institutions working for the development of adult learning and education.
To participate in this consultation you need to be subscribed to the Google group [email protected] You will subsequently receive an e-mail with more background information, including access to relevant documents and all necessary details on this online forum.