Iniciative Education First launched during UN General Assembly
Education First is an initiative developed by UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, and involving actors from across – and beyond - the education sector. It is a five year initiative and aims to prioritise education through to and after the 2015 deadline.
It has 3 main priorities:
- Putting every child in school: this priority looks at barriers to achieving universal basic education and possible ways to tackle them;
- Improving the quality of learning: this considers some of the fundamental issues on quality, including the substantial need for more and better trained teachers;
- Fostering global citizenship: this priority considers the huge role education has in achieving more just, peaceful, tolerant and inclusive societies.
A High Level Steering Group drives the initiative, with working groups focused on specific issues. Camilla Croso, GCE President sits on the High Level Steering Group as a representative of the GCE membership. Other members of the panel include Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General, Gordon Brown, UN Special Envoy for Global Education and Jim Kim, World Bank President. The full membership of the panel is here:
Education First officially launches on 26 September 2012, during the UN General Assembly.
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Watching the action on Flickr:
Full information on the initiative is available here: .