Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación

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Ecuador: Civil society participation in a forum about multiculturalism and education

About 160 students, teachers and representatives of social organizations attended this meeting whose purpose was to advance the debate on the issue of multiculturalism with a comprehensive approach to formal and informal education field from multiple viewpoints

December 19, 2014


3The Forum "Intercultural Education: Situation and Prospects was organized by the Salesian Polytechnic University and the Social Contract for Education in Ecuador.

The panelists were Sonia Viveros (Afro Ecuadorian), Aurora Iza (Academic), Pablo Molina (Urban artist) and Hilda Chaluisa (Indian).

About 160 students, teachers and representatives of social organizations attended this meeting whose purpose was to advance the debate on the issue of multiculturalism with a comprehensive approach to formal and informal education field from multiple viewpoints.

The main axes of reflection were the fight for respect and visibility of various nationalities, peoples and cultures living in Ecuador; the guarantee of intercultural education as a right of all people; and the importance of including art in the field of education and alternative pedagogies.