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High-level Thematic Debate on Means of Implementation for a Transformative Post-2015 Development Agenda

Addressing the issue of mobilizing adequate means of implementation – financial resources, technology development and transfer and capacity-building – will be critical to delivering on and implementing a truly transformative and ambitious post-2015 development agenda

January 15, 2015

From: United Nations

The "High-level Thematic Debate on Means of Implementation for a Transformative Post-2015 Development Agenda" will take place in New York on 9 and 10 February 2015.

Addressing the issue of mobilizing adequate means of implementation – financial resources, technology development and transfer and capacity-building – will be critical to delivering on and implementing a truly transformative and ambitious post-2015 development agenda.

Submit your inputs ahead of the thematic debate

Your inputs will be taken into account in the  preparation of the background notes for the thematic debate.

Deadline for submission: 18 January 2015

Submit your inputs

See submitted inputs


The main objective of the high-level thematic debate will be to provide an opportunity for participants to address key issues related to mobilizing the means of implementation such as:

- What actions are needed to scale up mobilization of financial resources from all sources: domestic public financing, domestic private financing, international public financing (including ODA), international private financing (FDI and remittances), trade, and partnerships?

- What is required of the different development players/actors to improve efficiency and effectiveness in the use of available resources for sustainable development?

- How can coherence and a common understanding for robust means of implementation in the post-2015 agenda and the Financing for development process be fostered and agreed? How can trade contribute to renewing the global partnerships for development?

- What measures can be taken to develop a financial architecture/system that incentivizes the direction of global public and private savings towards sustainable development investments, including provision of long-term financing to fill critical investment gaps?

- Given the critical role the development, transfer and dissemination of clean and environmentally sound technologies will play in achieving a transformative post-2015 agenda, what are the best options for a technology facilitation mechanism?

- What measures and actions need to be undertaken to further build and strengthen capacities of developing countries, in particular to ensure an effective domestic enabling environment and enhance their ability to effectively implement the post-2015 development agenda?

Format, Outcome and Participants

The high-level thematic debate will consist of:

- an opening plenary;

- two interactive multi-stakeholder panel discussions;

- a closing plenary.

The outcome will be a President’s summary, which will be circulated to all Member States and other stakeholders.

Member States are invited to participate at highest possible level. Parliamentarians, representatives of local and city authorities, UN Agencies including UNDP and UNCTAD, international financial institutions, regional development banks, the private sector, civil society, academia, and other relevant stakeholders are also invited to participate.


Concept note PDF

Report of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing [A/69/315] PDF

Letter of the President (10 December) PDF


Third Conference on Financing for Development