New report reviews corporal punishment in 2013
Thirty-four States have banned corporal punishment of children in all settings, 49 have committed to doing so, yet 24 do not prohibit the violence in any setting. These are some of the observations made by the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children in its 2013 global progress report, which gives follow-up to the UN Study on Violence against Children. The report also notes that 114 States have no clear commitment to reform their laws, while in 39 States national courts can hand down sentences of corporal punishment to children (including caning, whipping, flogging).
The progress and delays in achieving prohibition are graphically illustrated, while the report also maps the efforts of children’s rights advocates in campaigning for reform at national and regional levels, as well as growing support for prohibition including on the part of international health organisations and religious leaders worldwide. Download the report here (PDF) or an accessible version here (Word).